When the ones who have dedicated their lives to saving others need assistance themselves....

Who will be there when the Helpers are in need of Help

When the ones who have dedicated their lives to saving others need assistance themselves.... image




Who will be there when the Helpers are in need of Help

Primum Non Nocere, Inc "First, Do No Harm"

I think back to some of my first days as an Emergency Medical Technician in Brooklyn NY during the 80's and memories come flooding back. Button down white shirts , green or blue uniform pants with our EMS shields & name tags proudly displayed on our chests. Working endless hours for little pay, risking our minds, bodies and lives in efforts to save and comfort another person in need.This is what EMT's and Paramedics do every day throughout the country, a proud and selfless breed of person who thinks of helping others before helping themselves. Question is, what happens to the EMS provider that has become ill or even injured while working preventing them from continuing helping others and earning a living? A majority of the time EMS providers are left to their own means in order to take care of themselves and their families. Many times they have to deplete their savings & retirements accounts or even sell personal belongings in order to provide the basic necessities of food, clothing and a place to live for their families. While doing this they must navigate the endless stream of paperwork, hours of phone calls and medical visits that are synonymous with the workers compensation and disability process. After seeing this scenario play out so many times, watching EMS colleagues suffer so many hardships with no where to turn I remembered a saying " If not now when? If not you, who?". So I came up with an idea of forming a charitable foundation to help emergency medical providers in need, pitched it to my closest friends and colleague and in 2015 The Primum Non Nocere Foundation,Inc. was founded. Now we are dedicated to helping the helpers, doing what we can to help provide tangible necessities while they are getting back to their feet. Whether it is shopping for food through our "Fill the Fridge" Initiative, helping pay home utility bills or helping pay a month or two of rent we are dedicated to helping the helpers.

Click on our Facebook page or Website to for up to date information and feel good stories

Primum Non Nocere Foundation, Inc - Face Book Page
